Mission statement
The Water Resource Management (WRM) Division aims to provide reliable, safe, affordable, secure, and sustainable water supplies to meet the socio-economic development needs for healthy communities and environments
Guiding principles
Linkages to NSDS 2019 – 2030
Infra Goal-2: To provide a reliable, safe, affordable, secure, and sustainable water supply to meet socio-economic development needs.
Cross-Goal - 5: Build up resilience to combat effects of climate change and natural disasters.
Projects under WRM include
GCCA + SUPA: “Scaling Up water storage capacity in Nauru”.
ADB: “Nauru Sustainable and Resilient Urban Development Project (NSRUDP)”
GoN: “Water-tanks Distribution Scheme”
SPC: “Managing Water Scarcity through Strengthened Water Resource Project”
Government Guiding Policies
Nauru Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Policy 2012
Nauru Water and Sanitation Master Plan 2015
Nauru Integrated Environment Policy
RONadapt 2015
Nauru Climate Change Policy 2020
‘An gogando ebok’
– Water is important
We focus on
Providing equal access to clean, safe and affordable water
Managing waste and pollution that minimise the negative impacts on our water resources and health
Maintaining safe use of the environment and natural resources for the current and future generations
Overseeing implementation of activities in the National Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Policy (NWSHP)
Developing and updating national water quality standards (with Public Health)
Developing appropriate sanitation systems which minimise potable water use, groundwater pollution and impacts on the near shore environment (with Public Health and Fisheries)
Developing early warning systems, plans and response strategies for Nauru’s frequent droughts and adapting to Climate Change
Developing plans for flood risk reduction and response strategies
Reviewing new project proposals on water, sanitation and hygiene
Collating and preparing annual reports from WTC to CPSC and NDC
Developing and implementing activities to ensure the Water sector meets its target under the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS)
Ensuring participation and collaboration with the Water Technical Group Advisory Taskforce (WTWG) in planning and implementing activities within the water sector
Establishing or utilising appropriate institutional frameworks to support the water unit
Engaging and maintaining effective networks to secure funding from donor partners to assist Nauru in attaining its goal under the NSDS
Building local capacity (communities, business and government) through promoting water management issues
Providing support for quarterly meetings of WTWG