Mission statement

The Water Resource Management (WRM) Division aims to provide reliable, safe, affordable, secure, and sustainable water supplies to meet the socio-economic development needs for healthy communities and environments

Guiding principles

Linkages to NSDS 2019 – 2030

  • Infra Goal-2: To provide a reliable, safe, affordable, secure, and sustainable water supply to meet socio-economic development needs.

  • Cross-Goal - 5: Build up resilience to combat effects of climate change and natural disasters.

Projects under WRM include

Government Guiding Policies

  • Nauru Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Policy 2012

  • Nauru Water and Sanitation Master Plan 2015

  • Nauru Integrated Environment Policy

  • RONadapt 2015

  • Nauru Climate Change Policy 2020

‘An gogando ebok’
– Water is important

We focus on

  • Providing equal access to clean, safe and affordable water

  • Managing waste and pollution that minimise the negative impacts on our water resources and health

  • Maintaining safe use of the environment and natural resources for the current and future generations

  • Overseeing implementation of activities in the National Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Policy (NWSHP)

  • Developing and updating national water quality standards (with Public Health)

  • Developing appropriate sanitation systems which minimise potable water use, groundwater pollution and impacts on the near shore environment (with Public Health and Fisheries)

  • Developing early warning systems, plans and response strategies for Nauru’s frequent droughts and adapting to Climate Change

  • Developing plans for flood risk reduction and response strategies

  • Reviewing new project proposals on water, sanitation and hygiene

  • Collating and preparing annual reports from WTC to CPSC and NDC

  • Developing and implementing activities to ensure the Water sector meets its target under the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS)

  • Ensuring participation and collaboration with the Water Technical Group Advisory Taskforce (WTWG) in planning and implementing activities within the water sector

  • Establishing or utilising appropriate institutional frameworks to support the water unit

  • Engaging and maintaining effective networks to secure funding from donor partners to assist Nauru in attaining its goal under the NSDS

  • Building local capacity (communities, business and government) through promoting water management issues

  • Providing support for quarterly meetings of WTWG